Science Simulator Wiki
General Rules

The Science Simulator Wiki is part of the Roblox Interwiki Project, which connects our staff members with those of other Roblox game wikis. Our staff team is in communication with staff members of these other wikis which are part of the Interwiki.

Due to the common issues with cross-wiki disputes, some blocks may be issued on Science Simulator Wiki due to actions they made on other wikis. These are only issued if the actions relate to this wiki and/or its topic (bypassing), or are a threat (e.g. planning raiding this wiki, ...). We may also advise other wikis to give blocks to accounts on their wiki for similar reasons.

Cross-wiki disputes may be elevated to the concern of Fandom Staff if major cross-wiki disruption or repeat bypassing is active.

  1. Roblox Terms of Use applies in this wiki too.
  2. Do not engage in excessive self-promotion: The wiki is a collaborative community resource for the topic at hand. It is NOT a free place to advertise your related website, YouTube channel, blog, social media account, etc. Have a question about whether your link would be welcome? Ask an administrator!
  3. Do follow community guidelines for formatting: When a community has established formatting, it’s important to adhere to that, especially when spoiler content is involved.
  4. This is an English only wiki.
  5. Swearing in any form is not allowed.
  6. Raiding in any form is forbidden.
  7. Do not advertise.


Discussion/Talk/Comment Rules

  1. Keep it civil: Do not make personal attacks on other people. If you need to criticize another user’s argument, do so without attacking them as a person. Do not use bigoted language, including slurs which degrade another person or group of people based on gender, race, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, etc.
  2. Do not harass other users: If somebody asks you to stop posting certain content on their wall, respect their wishes. It is their wall.
  3. Do not flood the comment section, talk pages, profile, discussion.
  4. Cross trading is not allowed in this community in any form.
  5. Please refer to using trading chat to trade, and not use pages for that. You are allowed to post trades for that specific pet on the page.
  6. When posting a trade, please make it fair and don't scam other users.
  7. Don't write blog posts to spam or without any reason.
  8. Use Chats what they are intended for: Don't trade or W/L in general chat, use Trading Chat for trades and W/L Chat for W/L Posts, they are there for a reason!
  9. When sending trades, please wait until someone else has poster after you and then you can send again. This is to prevent flooding.


Editing Rules

  1. Be a productive member of the wiki: Contribute to the wiki in line with the established processes and conventions. Need help? Ask an administrator! Disrupting the wiki with “edit warring” over differing opinions of a topic with another user or group of users is not productive.
  2. When editing your profile page, please keep it civil.
  3. Do not vandalize pages.
  4. Dont add non-sense trivia to pages, only something useful.
  5. When editing a page, do not add more than 1 of the same link.
  6. Please do not edit any templates or any other complicated stuff you don't understand.
  7. Don't spread false information into pages.
  8. Grinding edits in any form is prohibited.
  9. Protected pages are there to protect important pages


Punishments on rule breakers is determined by admins.

When a comment/post is against the rules, please report it in Report User, so our moderators can review it.
